I am having an issue with using Apache FOP and an HP Deskjet 460c printer.

The command that is failing from our java program is: Fop.main(-xml xmlFilename -xsl xslFilename -print);  It uses an XML input file and style sheet to print out a "participation agreement" from our software. The above command works fine with the HP Deskjet 450cbi printer and all other printers we have tried, except for the HP Deskjet 460c.  When we use the HP Deskjet 460c, the software just form feeds a blank sheet of paper through the printer.  Neither our application or the HP Deskjet 460c give any errors.

We are using an IBM Thinkpad, T40 model.  It is running Winodws XP.  The java JDK is JDK1.3.1_15.  The HP Deskjet 460c is attached to a USB port.

It prints fine to all printers we have tried except the HP Deskjet 460c.  Hewlett Packard's position is that this is a software issue and not a printer issue.

Can anyone provide any information about this problem or what I can do to fix the problem?


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