Hello Fabrizio,

> I've asked the translators to insert "zero width spaces" in Unicode.
> All the properties file are UTF-8 encoded.
> They tried inserting zero width spaces as they know how, but up to
> now it doesn't seem to work.
> Has any one ever tried to insert zero width spaces into a properties
> file and use it to create a PDFs?

I'm not sure what you mean with "properties files" but I have written
XSLT templates that insert zero-width spaces which I specify as:

After transformation, they wind up as UTF-8 encoded zero-width spaces
(Unicode 200B hex) in the .fo file.

FOP 0.20.5 handles them correctly, breaking lines at such spots if and
where appropriate.

The only thing I dislike is that it also uses the ZWSPs to insert
whitespace for line justification. I know the standard allows this,
but I wish there was an option to turn that behaviour off, because it
pulls apart path elements, URL components etc.

Paul Vinkenoog

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