I've just upgraded to FOP 0.92 (from 0.20.5)  to take advantage of the 
keep-together support, but I've encountered a new problem.

I have an xml file that contains image links (0-10 images) that is used to 
create a pdf (I'm using the oxygen editor which has xalan built in and I use 
fop 0.92 to create the pdf)

First problem was image scaling/size, that was fixed from information at this 
link http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=37136

next problem is that while images used to just be put on (wrap to) the next 
line when there are too many to fit in the width of the page, now they just run 
off the page to the right. I haven't been able to cure this one.

I've tried setting the width of the containing fo:block but that changes 
nothing. Text wraps nicely, but the images do not. I'm sure there is something 
that I need to specify, but I have been unable to find what it might be either 
from my friend google or the 'manual'. Possibly I don't know what I am looking 
for, I am very new with xsl:fo.

My code for the xsl:

<fo:block margin-left="2em" margin-right="2em">
                              <xsl:for-each select="pb/pic">
                                    <xsl:when test="@orientation='p'">
                                       <fo:external-graphic width="3cm" 
height="4cm" content-height="scale-to-fit" content-width="scale-to-fit"
                                       <fo:leader leader-length="0.75em"
                                       <fo:external-graphic width="4cm" 
height="3cm" content-height="scale-to-fit" content-width="scale-to-fit"
                                       <fo:leader leader-length="0.75em"

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