Yes, this way the whole font is embedded but you only have access to the
WinAnsi subset of characters.

On 18.09.2006 12:28:40 Luis Ferro wrote:
> One of the things that appeared from the properties of the document is the
> "actual" font values.
> The config i used is:
>         <font metrics-url="D:\sites\mapaterapeutico\fonts\SWZ721l.xml"
> kerning="yes" 
>           embed-url="D:\sites\mapaterapeutico\fonts\SWZ721l.TTF">
>           <font-triplet name="Texto" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
>         </font>
> And i created the font metrics with the following class call (a short fused
> version based on the fop.bat):
> org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader -enc ansi %FOP_CMD_LINE_ARGS%
> With those parameters, i assume that the "full" font is embedded... as it is
> looselly refered in the import font documentation of fop...
> The actual font parameters aren't setup in the PDF. Mayhappen with the
> addition of those "actual" font file, pointing the url file, the PDF could
> be editable...
> Just a tought...
> Cheers,
> LF
> Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
> > 
> > I assume the problem comes from FOP's embedding only a subset of the
> > TrueType font in the PDF. In that case we cannot use the original font
> > name because we don't embed the full font. If you have to be able to
> > edit the PDF you'd need to embed the full font in which case we could
> > use the original name. FOP currently doesn't support that, though.
> > 
> > On 17.09.2006 22:51:41 Luis Ferro wrote:
> >> 
> >> The test is simple...
> >> 
> >> Prepare a font (tested with TTF fonts) for importing, one that has some
> >> "attributes" like "light".
> >> 
> >> Make a document which uses that font and produce a PDF.
> >> 
> >> Edit the PDF with acrobat pro.
> >> 
> >> What will happen is that the name the font has isn't the same name as the
> >> embed font.
> >> 
> >> The render will work ok, but the edit will mean a "warning" of font to
> >> become "unembed". That isn't a problem, except that as the font name is
> >> wrong (the font name listed in the pdf doesn't match the font name in the
> >> TTF file, what will happen is that acrobat can't find it and allow the
> >> "reembed" of it).
> >> 
> >> If needed will post files that exemplify this effect (i'm not sure if
> >> this
> >> is a FOP problem yet - will do more tests next week).

Jeremias Maerki

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