On 18.09.2006 17:05:09 Luis Ferro wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
> > 
> > In that case we cannot use the original font
> > name because we don't embed the full font.
> 2 questions then...
> a) What happens if with a partial embed font it's used the same name as the
> original font name?

I don't know. We're just following the PDF specification:
"For a font subset, the PostScript name of the font—the value of the
font’s BaseFont entry and the font descriptor’s FontName entry—begins
with a tag followed by a plus sign (+). The tag consists of exactly six
uppercase letters; the choice of letters is arbitrary, but different
subsets in the same PDF file must have different tags. For example,
EOODIA+Poetica is the name of a subset of Poetica®, a Type 1 font."

> b) What happens if with a full embed font (with use of -ansi when building
> the metrics) it's used the same name as the original font name?
> The questions have some significance, because the PDF file that resulted
> from fop was edited with Acrobat pro 6 (which "unembeds" the font and allows
> the edit to continue, showing a warning regarding this) and when it was
> tryed to export to ps, acrobat just refused to work because the font's didnt
> match (there was a diference between the names like "Arial,light" in the
> PDF, when the true font name is "Arial-light").
> This little diference had no side-effects on the PDF, but forfeited the use
> of the PDF for anything. The PDF restarted to work well after we grabed a
> font editor and changed in the internal properties of the font the "-" for a
> ",".

Well, it could be that FOP does something wrong here. We'd have to
investigate that closely. Not sure when I'd have time for this. Do you
have time?

> Mayhappen the reasons for changing the font names when working with
> full/partial embed fonts aren't relevant anymore...
> Would like to take the oportunity to suggest that a switch like "-fullembed"
> (or something like that) be used instead of the "-ansi", as a
> "clarification" of what the switch do.

Suggestion noted but someone actually has to implement it. Not sure who
that will be.

> Cheers,
> LF
> P.S.- get rid of the font metrics would just be perfect. Also perfect would
> be to note in the config file how one wants the font to be placed on the pdf
> (partial embed, full embed or reference only).

That's in the works. Date? Unknown. Chances rising in the near future. I
have some insider info about someone who'll have more time to work on
FOP (not me). ;-)

Jeremias Maerki

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