Incidentally, I've been investigating this recently for a customer.
Essentially, there's one big problem: Our PDF library only supports
writing PDF and it's optimized for this task. We don't have a PDF parser
which would be needed. I've done a quick&dirty prototype using PDFBox to
see if including PDF pages using fo:external-graphic would be doable. If
you have a PDF parser it's pretty easy. We were discussing about
adopting PDFBox as our primary PDF library but it's not optimized for
writing large PDF files which our own library is. Big dilemma. I have a
few ideas to make this work with relatively little effort (using a
combination of PDFBox and our PDF library, still not a one-day job,
though) and I will likely get to this in the next weeks. But as always,
no promises on this list and help is welcome. :-)

On 01.12.2006 06:36:14 Peter wrote:
> Apologies for jumping in on this thread, but I have a similar requirement,
> that is, a pdf is delivered to us which we want to embed in fop, much like
> one would embed a jpg.
> I understand fop does not support that today, but does anybody have ideas on
> what it might take to implement that? Note that I have the impression that
> other xsl-fo processors do support such a feature.


Jeremias Maerki

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