Have you tried using a footnote?

On 12.01.2007 10:45:19 raja k wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using xml and xsl to generate PDF. In xsl I have table which is 
> basically a signature block.
> My requirement is to align this table to the bottom of a page (just above 
> footer). Currently, I have given spaces between this table and the table 
> above. I need to find a permanent alignment solution independent of giving 
> spaces. I need to permanently fix the table in that page above footer.
> Note: I don¢t need to this in all pages. I have also attached the xsl for 
> your reference 
> Block in xsl: 
> -- 
> <table-and-caption text-align="center">  
>   --> 
> - <fo:table table-layout="fixed" border-width="1pt" border-style="solid">
>   <fo:table-column column-width="18.0cm" /> 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - < - <fo:table-cell>
>   <fo:block font-family="Times Roman" font-size="9pt" font-weight="bold" 
> color="black" text-align="left">Approved by Branch Manager 
> (Signature)____________________________________________Date:___/___/______</fo:block>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   </fo:table>
> - <!-- 
> </table-and-caption> 
>   --> 
> This bock is in table and is in PDF: 
> Approved by Branch Manager 
> (Signature)____________________________________________Date:___/___/______
> tt
> Send via the National New Account (Blue & White ENV8004) to,
> t National New Accounts
> Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
> 333 West 34th Street-9th Floor
> New York, NY-10001
> FC Details
>  Please help me in solving this issue......................
> Thanks and Regards
>  Raja
> Financial Consultant Name FC Telephone Number FC Wire Co

Jeremias Maerki

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