> No, they didn't! My error report was cosed with the remark that
> in FOP the workaround is quoting. Yeah, but that's not the
> answer I would expect (ord accept) for such a
> (technically) minor bug. 

I've changed my opinion on this issue. The CSS spec on 'font-family' gives
this example in section 5.2.2 of the Level 1 spec, 11-JAN-1999:

Font names containing whitespace should be quoted:

BODY { font-family: "new century schoolbook", serif }
<BODY STYLE="font-family: 'My own font', fantasy">

To me, this cannot be labeled a "workaround" in FOP, it is compliance with
the spec. Frankly, I've never seen single quotes within an attribute, and I
would have bet money otherwise, but it's clear as can be in the CSS spec.

The level 2 spec contains the same example of single quoting font names that
contain spaces.

As an aside, Altova StyleVision currently ships with FOP .25, and it does
not single quote fonts containing spaces, which causes the integrated FO
support to fail when identifying fonts by font-family. It's unfortunate, but
it looks to me like this is a bug in StyleVision that should be corrected by
Altova. Although, I have to admit that it would be nice if FOP were
"forgiving" of this, since I plan to roll out StyleVision to several
developers as our primary FO GUI to use with the latest Apache FOP version.


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