Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

On Mar 15, 2007, at 02:28, Daniel Noll wrote:

Hi Daniel,

I see from the compliance page that absolute positioning is implemented. However in practice I have an FO file which uses absolute positioning and it seems like it doesn't take effect at all.

I culled all the containing elements from my FO output just in case they were to blame somehow, and the issue still occurred. Here's the block (apologies in advance for the way this is going to break):

<fo:block margin-left="0pt" margin-right="0pt" id="SlideObj" font-size="16.0px" unicode-bidi="embed" visibility="hidden"> <fo:external-graphic content-height="scale-to-fit" content- width="scale-to-fit" scaling="uniform" src="url(file:/C:/Users/ Daniel/Desktop/testppt_files/slide0001_background.jpg)" absolute- position="absolute" height="100.0%" width="100.0%" left="0.0%" top="0.0%"/>

Just a quick FYI:
don't expect the 'absolute-position' on fo:external-graphic and fo:inline to have *any* effect at all. The Common Absolute Position properties apply to neither of those FOs.

Just to add to what Andreas has told you: absolute-position does apply to block-container. So you can absolutely position block containers but not blocks, inlines or external-graphics. I also noticed that you are using percentages for width/height/left/top. That may work. I personally have only ever used absolutely positioned BC with units specified in mm. Also, note the subtle difference in meaning between absolute-position="absolute" and absolute-position="fixed". IIRC, the "fixed" setting must be used to position the BC relative to the top left of the page.


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