Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
> On Apr 14, 2007, at 20:55, Thomas Zastrow wrote:
>> Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
>>> On Apr 14, 2007, at 17:41, Thomas Zastrow wrote:
>>>> <snip />
>>>> The files LinLibertine.xml and LinLibertineU-Re-2.2.5.ttf are in the
>>>> root-directory of the FOP (version 0.93). The base-tag in the
>>>> config-file is untouched, it is still   <base>.</base>
>>> Keep in mind that they are influenced by <font-base>. I /think/ both
>>> of them. At least, I hope so... :/
>> OK, I added <font-base>.</font-base> to the fop.xconf. But the result is
>> the same ... btw., I'm not sure which directory is meant with "."?
> Errm, if I'm correct then the "." is to be interpreted as relative to
> the source document...
> In any case, now that you mention it, it does seem to lean towards bad
> practice to use a relative url as base-url for anything... :/
>> Is it the conf-directory? Or the root-directory? I copied both the
>> metric xml
>> file and the ttf-file also to conf, but FOP still can't find them.
>> Is conf/fop.xconf read by default or have I to specify it as
>> config-file?
> You have to specify it. The fop.xconf file contains the settings that
> are used by FOP if no config file is specified, but the file itself is
> not used unless you tell FOP to use it. If you leave it unchanged, and
> start FOP with "-c conf/fop.xconf", then the result is the same as if
> no config file has been used.
Andreas, again, thank you :-)

I solved the "problem": I used absolute paths, which is - in my oppinion
- just a workaround :-)

But now it works. Take a look at the "Using LinuxLibertine with the
Apache FOP" on my examples page:




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