In FOP 0.93, page references are kept in ways that preserve the whole original pages objects. No problem with that except that this process is TOO memory intensive and exausts the heap memory if you have too many pages, segments and references.

What i would like to see in a future FOP release would be a "minimalist" object that retains only the "references" after the page is created, allowing the "unload" of the whole page. When the "reference" is requested after it, the current page sequence would be queried, and if not found, the "minimalist" collection would be searched. If the reference isn't the the collection either, it would give a "reference not found" error as it gives today.

That mechanism would allow for huge documents, with huge lists of references, to be created without compromising the heap memory, because only the current sequence would be kept in memory.


Are there perfomance enancements? I mean about the page sequence memory
consuption issue that prevent to use FOP in a production env for reports
bigger than 500 pages?

best regards

Hi all

As some of you may already know, the fop-dev team is currently in the
process of preparing a new release. With this post, we would like to
gather some ideas on what the user community would like to see
incorporated in FOP 0.94.

Note that the release will already contain some cool new features
compared to 0.93, like support for border-collapse="collapse", auto-
detection and -registration of available custom fonts and
improvements in handling internal destinations...

What we are currently looking for are not large improvements (like
table-layout="auto", which we are well aware is still missing), but
more the elimination of small annoyances, little things that could
mean a great deal to you.

So, shoot away, and we'll see what we can do. No suggestion will be
dismissed without consideration. Even if we do not implement the
suggestion immediately, if it's interesting enough, we will
definitely keep it in mind as a possible priority for the next release.

We would also like this to be an opportunity for users who are in a
position where they are able to check out and build the 0.94 release
branch that has been created (*), to see if we have overlooked
anything in our testsuites. If any bugs or unexpected results turn up
in your real-time scenarios, we would of course appreciate it very
much if these are uncovered before the actual release.

As always, we value your input and feedback.




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