Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Hi Vincent,

Just a few notes about heights in tables as I worked on this a few months ago. The XSL-FO Recommendation refers to CSS2 [1] for a description of how heights in tables should be handled. And CSS2 explicitely does not specify [2] how heights should be handled when they have an explicit value. More precisely: - when specified on an fo:table, whether the height of the table’s content should override that value, or how possible remaining space should be distributed; - for fo:table-row and fo:table-cell, what percentage values of `height’ should refer to.

Thus, for now explicit values of `height’ on table, table-row, table-cell are discarded and replaced by `auto’ (I think a warning should appear in such cases). In the future we might decide on a certain behaviour, but in any case this would be FOP-specific and non standard. Perhaps the other renderers have a common reasonable behaviour, I haven’t looked. We will see when we decide to tackle this issue, but I’m afraid it may not be of high priority...

I agree with most of what you said. Except in the case when there is a explicit (not %) height on a table-row. If the content of the row is less than the specified height then the row should be stretched to match the specified height, with extra space added at the end. FOP-0.20.5 used to support this. As do other XSL-FO implementations. I'm not an expert with the spec but you didn't mention this case in your e-mail. WDYT?



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