I need to use FOP 0.94 embedded, in a big project composed by different 
Eclipse's plug-ins where 2 of them define an "org.apache.commons.logging.Log" 
library, which causes me the following error:
    "Invalid class loader hierarchy. You have more than one version of 
'org.apache.commons.logging.Log' visible, which is not allowed."

Is there a way how to set the logger "manually" like it was done before in FOP 
0.20.5 by setting the Driver object?

Thank you.




Ing. Miroslav Gregáň

Member of the "Siemens IT Solutions and Services" department
from the PSE SK SES TEC SK2 team

Program and System Engineering
Software Engineering Services
Technology Competences
Skupina 2 (Java and OpenSource Technologies)

Siemens Program and System Engineering s.r.o.
Dubravska cesta 4
845 37 Bratislava
Slovak Republic


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