
Your suggestion works. I have no idea where the vm arguments are in the fop script. So I changed my script to invoke the jar directly, adding the headless argument. I had to move all the jar files in fop/ lib to the build directory to get this to work:

java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /Applications/fop-0.94/build/ fop.jar -fo $foo -pdf ../pdf_files/$state.pdf

Thanks for the tip.


On Jan 3, 2008, at 12:35 PM, James Howard wrote:

Actually that probably won't do what you want. Adding - Djava.awt.headless=true to the vm arguments in the fop script probably will work.

On Jan 3, 2008, at 8:36 AM, Steve Quirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Use 'nice' to run it. Alter the script so that the fop execution looks like:

nice /Applications/fop-0.94/fop -fo $foo -pdf ../pdf_files/$state.pdf

You can check the man page for nice for more info.


On Thu, 3 Jan 2008, Terry Ofner wrote:

This is not a huge matter. More on the line of an annoyance. And I may need to take this question to a java list rather than this list. If so, just point me in the right direction.

At any rate, I have an XSLT stylesheet that produces 50+ separate fo documents. I then run the shell script below to batch produce the pdf documents:

for foo in *.fo
state=`basename $foo .fo`
/Applications/fop-0.94/fop -fo $foo -pdf ../pdf_files/$state.pdf

When I run this script on my Mac (OS X 10.4.11, java version "1.5.0_13" fop-0.94), org.apache.fop.cli.main takes control of the desktop, stopping whatever it is I am doing for about 5 seconds. I gain control again for about 5 seconds until fop pumps out another pdf document. I basically have to step away from the computer for the 8 minutes that the batch process takes. Adding & and wait to the main line of the script does not seem to work:

/Applications/fop-0.94/fop -fo $foo -pdf ../pdf_files/$state.pdf &

The first script above on Ubuntu linux runs in the background without interrupting other running process.

Any simple solutions?

Terry Ofner

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