These errors are usually follow-up errors after the real problem (at
least in my experience). Please take a look if you can see any error
message before that exception. It could also be some bad exception
handling somewhere in FOP. I've had this thing a number of times in the
past but I haven't had the chance to really look into avoiding unhelpful
exceptions like that. Maybe that helps.

On 15.08.2008 13:03:46 Tobias van Treeck wrote:
> Hi!
> I am running FOP and convert an XML+XSL->FOP->PDF.
> Locally everything is working fine but on the app server i get the
> following error message:
> "org.xml.sax.SAXException: Mismatch: page-sequence
> ( vs. root
> ("
> Environment:
> App-Server: Bea Weblogic 8.1 SP5
> Java: 1.4.2_08 (using the same JDK for AppServer and for the local
> tests)
> FOP: 0.95 (most recent version)
> OS: Windows XP SP3
> Searching in the web didn't return anything helpful, although this
> problem has already occured once or twice.
> My guess is that there may be a library or classpath conflict but
> replacing some JDK libs (XML/Parser related) didn't make it better... I
> don't think that this is a problem with the XML or the stylsheet since
> locally it is working.
> Maybe anyone experienced the same problems or has some idea what could
> be the cause - any help appreciated!
> Thanks,
> ToM

Jeremias Maerki

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