On Oct 13, 2008, at 14:39, Andreas Delmelle wrote:

On Oct 13, 2008, at 14:31, Andreas Delmelle wrote:

Am I correct in assuming that you actually want the CIRCLED DIGIT ONE (= U+1103) up to CIRCLED NUMBER TEN (U+1202)? In that case, the only way I can think of to achieve the desired effect, is to force the initial-page-number property of the page-sequence to 1103.

Sorry, that will not work after all, since the first page-number will be the sequence 1-1-0-3, which will be rendered as four separate glyphs...

Checked a little closer in the meantime, and the story is that FOP appears to be not 100% compliant where it comes to the 'format' property (which I presume is being set by the posted Docbook source). So our compliance page needs a little update to reflect this (unless somebody figures out the fix for this real soon).

I'll see if I can take care of that one of these days.

Andreas (just back from NYC, and somewhat jet-lagged...)

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