Sheldon Glickler wrote:
I followed Jay Bryant's advice and structured my xsl file according to his example. I got it to work well, but in saving things I overwrote what I had done. I recreated it -- almost. I now have a few questions;

1 - In the attached files, why are no business units showing up? I have looked and looked but can't figure out why they don't.

2 - How do I get the background color to fill the entire cell and not just the text background. (When I had the business units data showing up, the header cell backgrounds filled the entire space).

3 - When the business data did appear earlier, and I viewed at 100%, the borders did not run into each other and left a small space between them. How do I force the borders to join?

Thanks for any help.

I figured out what the answer to (1) is. I needed to bracket the data in the xml with tags to match the select in the xsl.

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