1 - I am using number-columns-spanned in order to use the same
template with sub-section headings and totals.  I use the parameter
<merge>.  For the sub-titles, I give it a value of 13 (all the
columns).  For the sub-section totals, I give the first one a value of
5, followed by eight cells with a value of 1.  It all worked, but I
get one blank for the number of columns spanned and one blank for the
background color.  I isolated it to the following in the xml file:

    <value>TRACKING SALES</value>
    <borderline>solid .5pt</borderline>

If I remove that block, then there are no errors.  In the xsl, it uses
those keys for every line in the business bu_tiem section, with no
additional errors.  I'm stumped.  It works, but it isn't "clean".

Without seeing your XSL for this bit, it's hard to provide a for-sure
answer. My initial thought is that you're not checking for the existence

I am posting the files.  No, I don't do the checking, but this is the
only <bu_line> that gives a problem and they all go through the same code.

I ran the files through Saxon 9 and FOP .95 and didn't see the issue you mention. The Trackwork Sales line came out fine. I added the bu_line element mentioned earlier in your message (the Tracking Sales one) and still didn't get a problem. It's possible that the issue arises because of whichever XSLT processor you're using or the version of FOP you have. It's also possible that you fixed the issue while fixing some other issue. Let me know if it keeps biting you and I'll try to look more deeply.

Thank you for being so exceedingly helpful.  Now my REAL effort begins.
 I have to do a log of php coding in order to gather the data and
generate the xml files that use this xsl file.

You're welcome. I'm that lucky fellow who actually enjoys his job, so doing a little weekend programming to help someone out is no problem. I know what you mean about the real work. For me, it's Java and SQL (with XML- and CSV-based metadata defining things) that do all the heavy lifting. Much as I love XSL, it's just the tail end of a much larger and much more complex process.

Jay Bryant

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