Nikolaos Paraschou wrote:
> This is the first time I am using Apache FOP. I started with the quick
> start guide and the Hello World example which worked just fine (with
> Latin characters). I decided to replace "Frank" with a name in Greek
> characters, lets say "Νίκος".
> ; SystemID: file:/C:/Users/nikos/Desktop/name.xml; Line#: 1; Column#: 7
> javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 
> sequenc
> e.

I suspect you have a bad second byte of a 2-byte UTF-8 sequence on line
1 of name.xml. (-:

This is not a FOP question; the problem is happening when the XML parser
tries to read your input XML file.

I suspect that the editor you used to edit the XML file used ISO 8859-7
instead of UTF-8, but that you did not give an appropriate encoding
declaration.  The easiest way to avoid these problems is to instruct
your editor to always save as UTF-8, which is one of the default
encodings for XML, and needs no declaration.

Chris Maden, text nerd  <URL: >
“I like being free, and that makes me an idiot, I suppose.”
  — Stan Rogers, “The Idiot”
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