The process that we have to take user-generated input and end up with a
G4 TIFF file.


The current process is like this:


1 - We've got a front-end system that generates HTML from XSLT with a
flag for input purposes (input form fields are generated), or output

2 - Generated html is passed through a transformer with html_to_fo.xsl
applied to create XSL-FO data.

3a - Today, we take the resulting XSL-FO data and use FOP to generate a
PostScript file, which is sent to a legacy third party library that
transforms the PostScript into a beautiful near-identical G4 TIFF.


For technical reasons, we have to stop using the third party library
which is both EOL and creates issues (the library does not ignore a
console shutdown signal and kills the service).


3b - Tomorrow, I'd like to just take the resulting XSL-FO data and
generate the G4 TIFF files using FOP (hence my TIFF-focused Buzilla
contributions 49695, 49696 and 50657) .


At the moment, I'm just straight generating the TIFF from the XSL-FO
data.  It mostly looks like the source, but for some reason the lesser
fonts are a lot lighter.


It's my understating that Fop is output-only when it comes to
PostScript, correct?


For comparison purposes, I'm generating the PostScript and Tiff files as
flat files.  

Then I 

1 - compare them side-by-side on the screen

2 - throw them both at a printer (and make sure the Tiff is sent through
PhotoShop and not shrunk to fit).


The printouts line up physically, but the font for any 10pt in the Tiff
is much lighter (likely due to aliasing) than that produced with the
PostScript, or even that produced by a Tiff that has undergone the
process described in 3a above.


With the "Oddly" comment quoted below, apparently the PostScript
deferred to "any,normal,400" and "any,normal,700" when confronted with
"Arial,normal,400", which is not a big deal because my eventual goal is
removing the PostScript.




From: Eric Douglas [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 2:18 PM
Subject: RE: Font Weight


1. If it's actually printing the wrong font that's a different issue.
We'd have to see your font code for that.  That would be everything in
the font tags in the xconf file if you're using one, or your font
loading method if you're using embedded code, plus the text in the fo
which references the font triplet values.

2. What do you mean by lightness?  Are you using the PSRenderer and/or
TIFFRenderer to send output directly to a printer, to the same printer,
back to back?  Are you somehow using both renderers to generate image
files to compare, or comparing something printed to something on the
screen?  Did you use the PSRenderer to send output directly to a printer
and the TIFFRenderer to create an image file then send that image file
to the printer?  It sounds like we need more details on what you're
trying to do.  It sounds like you may be comparing apples to oranges.




From: Marquart, Joshua D [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 2:07 PM
To: Glenn Adams
Subject: RE: Font Weight

I was just doing research on this topic, came back here to supplement my
message with info, and saw you already beat me to it.


Helpful method: getFontInfo().dumpAllTripletsToSystemOut()


So... yes, I do not have fonts installed for font weights of 300, 500,
etc. and that would account for resolving to 400/700.


The problem I'm seeing is when generating a PostScript and a Tiff from
the same xsl-fo file.

The text generated in the Tiff (for the 400 weight) appears much lighter
than identical text in the PostScript and is likely due to using the
Java2DRenderer vs. the PsRenderer.


Oddly, when I set the font to Arial in the xsl-fo:

- the font in the resulting PostScript appears Times Roman

- the font in the resulting Tiff is identical to the font used in the
Tiff when Helvetica was specified.


Other than hunting down, installing and registering a weight 500 or so
font for Helvetica or Arial (where might I find one?  No idea.), are
there other options that might I employ to lessen the lightness of the
400-weight ?






From: Glenn Adams [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 12:02 PM
To: Marquart, Joshua D
Subject: Re: Font Weight




What you have not said yet is whether you actually have (on your system)
a font with the desired weight or not. Specifically, do you actually
have installed multiple font instances with the distinct weights you
wish to reference? If you do not, then it doesn't do much good to
discuss referring to them.


On the other hand, if you do have distinct faces with weights 300, 500,
600, 800, 900, etc., installed, then it is merely a matter of ensuring
that the reference in your FO file correctly maps to the associated font
instance. That can be handled in different ways.


So please answer whether you do have the fonts installed in the first
place with these weights.



On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Marquart, Joshua D
<> wrote:

"FOP does not synthesize fonts with different weights. You need to
supply the fonts with the weights you specify in FO content."


I understand Fop doesn't synthesize the weights.  I understand that it
has two specific built-in weights (700 and 400) that are being used to
replace other weights per the following:


When I set-up using a Java2DRenderer and specify the following FO
content snippets:


<fo:table-cell font-size="10pt" font-family="Helvetica"><fo:block

<fo:block white-space-collapse="true">

<fo:inline font-weight="900">900 Weight </fo:inline>


<fo:inline font-weight="800">800 Weight </fo:inline>


<fo:inline font-weight="700">700 Weight </fo:inline>


<fo:inline font-weight="600">600 Weight </fo:inline>


<fo:inline font-weight="500">500 Weight </fo:inline>


<fo:inline font-weight="400">400 Weight </fo:inline>


<fo:inline font-weight="300">300 Weight </fo:inline>




the logger gives me the following information:


WARNING: Font "Helvetica,normal,900" not found. Substituting with

WARNING: Font "Helvetica,normal,800" not found. Substituting with

WARNING: Font "Helvetica,normal,600" not found. Substituting with

WARNING: Font "Helvetica,normal,500" not found. Substituting with

WARNING: Font "Helvetica,normal,300" not found. Substituting with


So I would need to supply very specific replacement fonts for
Helvetica,normal,900 ( and 800-300, not counting 400)?

(Same as above when replacing Helvetica with Arial).


I DO understand the following:


1- that per the current specs, item 7.9.9 for font-weight has a "TODO
<relative> font weights" message.

2 - that per the current build, the font classes generated from
Helvetica.xml and HelveticaBold.xml are used for 400 and 700

3 - that per the fuzzy replacement, 700 is used for 900-600 and 400 is
used for 500-100(probably).


So my questions still stand

1 - is there a simpler way to use / access / apply a darker 500 or 600
weight Helvetica and if so, what's the best process to handle it given
the codebase?

2 - should I instead render a "Helvetica500.xml" and generate the
appropriate font class; obviously since that's not yet been done with
the existing fop codebase, it is probably a lot more work than needed.

3 - Any other option I should pursue?


If there is a process started to handle item 7.9.9, I would be happy to
pitch in and help, I am just not certain where to start.







From: Glenn Adams [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 6:40 PM
Cc: Marquart, Joshua D
Subject: Re: Font Weight


FOP does not synthesize fonts with different weights. You need to supply
the fonts with the weights you specify in FO content.




On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Marquart, Joshua D
<> wrote:

I have a question about Font Weight.


We're using Helvetica and using FOP to take the FO file and generate it
as both (1) a PostScript file and (2) a TIFF file.  


Additionally, we are able to use third-party software to take the
PostScript file and convert it directly to a second TIFF file (for
comparison reasons).


Of course, the fonts on the TIFF from FOP are a little pixilated and the
"normal" font could stand to be rendered a bit darker.


I am using Helvetica and tried to set the font-weight to 500 or 600, but
it gets replaced with weight 400, which is apparently the "normal"
Helvetica font registered in the system.

Font-weight Bold and values of 800 and 900 use the "bold" Helvetica
which is weight 700.


Is there an easy way to use / access a darker 500 or 600 weight
Helvetica, or possibly render the or am I really sunk here?


I've already extended the Java2DRenderer,  for my own purposes.  


The following Graphics2D rendering hints don't seem to do much when








Suggestions would be very helpful.


Much thanks,





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