On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 06:04:58PM +0100, Ivan Necas wrote:
> Lukas Zapletal <l...@redhat.com> writes:
> >>
> >> I'm not sure I follow what you mean by administrative tasks. Note that
> >> reports
> >> import and puppet envs import are core actiones that now run as a foreman
> >> task
> >> (both synchronous and asynchronous variants). By making the UI part
> >> optional
> >> users would not be able to monitor their progress, cancel them etc if they
> >> don't install the plugin. What would be the benefit of such setup?
> >>
> >
> > I am not telling not to ship it, but making it optional (but installed by
> > default). Assuming that processes would work normally without the UI part.
> >
> > Other option is to simply move the UI into core, I don't think we should
> > make our decomposition effort a dogma. Let's be realistic.
> >
> > Benefit? Solving the stalemate perhaps :-)
> So the latest updates updates if you don't follow the packaging PR [1]
> The goal right now is to:
>   1. unblock the nightlies
>   2. keep the async operations possible
>   3. prefer proper way over hacks
> Although the goal is to get the foreman-tasks functionality to the core,
> I don't think we can effort blocking nightlies much longer. To preserve
> the async possibility there.
> I'm looking into leveraging ActiveJob interface to define the async
> operations we added. The idea is: when there is no foreman-tasks, the
> in-thread executor, that already is build into Rails, will be used, and
> from the end user, it will behave as before.
> However, when foreman-tasks will be around and configured to be used for
> async processing, the operation will go though that.
> Once this would be done, we could start adding the UI around async
> operations directly to the core: so the foreman-tasks functionality
> would be gradually moved to the core this way: once the core is given certain
> functionality, it can be removed from the tasks.
> The important thing here is we could work on enhancing tasking
> infrastructure in core while still supporting the current foreman-tasks
> users and delivering enhancements there in the meantime.
> I'm setting the deadline for this on Monday EOB. If by that time turns
> our this plan is not feasible, we would need to sacrifice goal 1., 2. or
> 3.

To me this sounds like a good plan.

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