On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 4:45 PM, Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
<ew...@kohlvanwijngaarden.nl> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 02:40:04PM +0000, Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
>> After thinking about support for ipv6 + dhcpv6 in smart-poxy and
>> Foreman some more, I realized that:
>>  - while host duid management is possible, it’s going to be somewhat
>> involved (quite a few different scenarios) and possibly fragile
> If I understand it correct then RFC6939 allows you to use the MAC
> address as well. Given this is very close to the IPv4 implementation I
> believe this is what should be explored first.

Option 79 is used to specify client link-layer address, but it
requires that either:
 - dhcp client populate the option, or
 - first hop dhcp relay populates the option

Which isn't guaranteed. For example neither NetworkManager nor
dhclient generate this option by default.

> ISC dhcpd 4.3 support this and Debian Jessie ships it, but EL7 doesn't.
> Do I understand it correct that besides DUID vs MAC the OMAPI protocol
> doesn't support setting IPv6 addresses?


>>  - dhcp servers can be configured to update dns records automatically
>> using hostname (and domain name, if required) that client passes with
>> dhcp request (or names can be generated automatically)
> While possible, I'm not sure how many people use this in a datacenter
> context.

Neither do I. Would be interesting to learn.

>>  - Foreman's main requirement is to set correct pxe boot options for
>> managed hosts
> Correct, it's good not to lose focus on this to keep the scope small.
>>  - multiple dhcp servers can co-exist on the same network/network
>> segment, with responses selected by the client based on server
>> precedence
>> This leads me to think that having a small dhcp server (that we can
>> interface with using a convenient set of api) dedicated to handling
>> pxe requests in a given network segment and ignoring all request is an
>> option that’s worth investigating. Turns out google has a project that
>> fits the bill (https://github.com/google/netboot). I’m trying to
>> establish a contact with project’s maintainers to find out about
>> dhcpv6 state (not currently implemented) and see if they need help.
> Also note that it should be packaged.



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