On pondělí 17. dubna 2017 11:22:07 CEST Daniel Lobato wrote:
> Sorry to relive the topic but
> https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/4219 didn't get in,
> and it's time to update the documentation for 1.15 including deprecations.
> Since reverting the change is probably something not to be done during RC,
> I wonder what to do.
> The options are:
> 1. Keep the code as-is - which forces people to change their templates for
> 1.17 for little benefit imo
> 2. Support both options - this would just require to remove the
> deprecations for the next RC which is not a problem
> 3. Support both options and reconsider to remove the helpers?
> Let me know what you think, I lean towards 2 or 3 as I explained in here
> previously.

1. or 2., if we release 1.15 with those macros, I think 3. is not an option.


> 2017年1月11日水曜日 17時05分42秒 UTC+1 Daniel Lobato:
> > Hi foreman devs,
> > 
> > Just noticed today https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/3983/files
> > after some comments on IRC. What's the background behind this change?
> > 
> > As far as I can see, this merely moves
> > 
> > @host.param to host_param
> > @host.param_true? to host_param_true?
> > @host.param_false? to host_param_false?
> > @host.info to host_enc
> > 
> > without gaining anything from the change. This will force people to
> > change their templates (including our community templates) when the
> > deprecation is removed, and there's nothing to gain.
> > 
> > Does someone know what's the rationale behind this change? As it stands
> > right now, I propose reverting that commit entirely to avoid inflicting
> > that pain on users - which include many devs who maintain templates.
> > 
> > Best,
> > 
> > 
> > @dLobatog
> > blog.daniellobato.me
> > daniellobato.me
> > 
> > GPG: http://keys.gnupg.net/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7A92D6DD38D6DE30
> > Keybase: https://keybase.io/elobato

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