On 03/11/17 18:29, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> Greg, I absolutely understand the motivation,

Good. However, we're not the only two people on this list, and
over-communication is key to reducing misunderstanding in remote
relationships. You know me pretty well, but others do not, so I lay my
position out clearly to benefit them.

> Do not put me into position of blind and angry dev who can't accept
> something different or new.

I have not said that. I praised your first email as a model of rational
debate, proposing a alternative route with clear arguments. Following a
deeper dive into the pros & cons of each solution, you now appear to be
getting defensive. Let's not derail a productive discussion.

> every two years amount
> of programmers doubles. That is a crazy amount of newcomers. But these
> new people are not idiots and some technical level is required even
> for soft roles in our community. 

Sure, they need some technical knowledge. They need to know Git & have a
GitHub account, probably a Redmine account, maybe they contributed on
Transifex, maybe they even set up a development environment (non-trivial
for sure). There's probably more, and thats before we consider plugins.
Even adding to our calendar needs you to use GitHub.

I don't think a requirement to join a mailing list proves any *further*
knowledge on their part. In other words, some barriers to entry serve a
purpose, but where we can remove them, we should. To do otherwise means
we lose potential contributors.

We should also be open to ways to help educate people with the knowledge
needed to participate - I get the feeling you expect people to
self-educate *before* they come to us, but my *own* history in this
community started with a completely innocent email to Ohad about how to
test something. We should be open to tooling that makes such teaching

> And we can make lists approachable very much like forums.

No, I don't think we can. We've been over this in the preceeding emails.
We can give an archive a shiny GUI, but fundamentally they have a
different feature set, and a different target user group. Your position
on Discourse is clear, and recorded here for all to see. If enough
people agree with you, it won't happen.


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