Hey All,

I've just installed foreman & ansible freshly on Cent OS7.

Foreman works fine, I wrote a basic playbook that gathers the facts and 
copies a file in place.

 - name: test the ansible
     - foreman.levene.local
   gather_facts: yes
     - name: test the file
       copy: src=/tmp/aa dest=/etc/

This all works OK, and it creates the hosts (followed 

PLAY [test the ansible] 

TASK [Gathering Facts] 
ok: [foreman.levene.local]

TASK [test the file] 
ok: [foreman.levene.local]

foreman.levene.local       : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

In foreman however, the host has no facts. I can see them all gathered in 
the report, but they don't seem to be correctly detected/imported into 
foreman facts.

Is this a bug? or have I missed a setting somewhere?


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