
some more comments below:

Le 01/06/2023 à 11:18, Andre Vehreschild a écrit :
Hi Damian, all,

thank you for your input. I have incorporated most of it. Due to Germany
stepping out of nuclear use, I have reduced the cites on these to a minimum. I
don't know anything about the people evaluating the proposal and don't want to
be rejected just because of ideological reasons. Here is the proposal so far.
Has any one a good url for the FAST project?

- Title:


- Abstract:

Enable the free gfortran compiler to support contemporary language paradigms.

- Dependencies (on the project as well as projects that depend on the
   technology; max 300 words)

Exemplarily these codes make use of language paradigms or want to, but can not
due to lack of support in gfortran:

CP2K: https://www.cp2k.org/ -- Quantum chemistry and solid state physics
ICAR: https://github.com/ncar/icar -- Simplified atmospheric model
FEATS: https://github.com/sourceryinstitute/feats -- Asynchronous task
scheduling framework FAVOR:
-- Reactor security NWChem: https://www.nwchem-sw.org/ -- Computational
chemistry software FUN3D: https://fun3d.larc.nasa.gov/ -- Computational fluid
dynamics software from NASA MSC NASTRAN:
https://simulatemore.mscsoftware.com/category/products/msc-nastran/ --
Structural engineering software from MSC Software WRF:
https://www.mmm.ucar.edu/models/wrf -- Weather forecasting software from NCAR
FAST: ??? -- Nuclear fuel performance software from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC)

Some references:

Mozdzynski, G., Hamrud, M., & Wedi, N. (2015) A Partitioned Global Address
Space implementation of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather
Forecasts Integrated Forecasting System. International Journal of High
Performance Computing Applications.

Garain, S., Balsara, D. S., & Reid, J. (2015) Comparing Coarray Fortran
(CAF) with MPI for several structured mesh PDE applications. Journal of
Computational Physics.

Preissl, R., Wichmann, N., Long, B., Shalf, J., Ethier, S., & Koniges, A.
(2011) Multithreaded global address space communication techniques for
gyrokinetic fusion applications on ultra-scale platforms. In Proceedings of
2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking,
Storage and Analysis (p. 78). ACM.

- Why is it critical to fund this project (300 words max)?

Fortran remains one of the premier language for science, especially for
high-performance computing and fields like quantum chemistry or
computational fluid dynamics.

gfortran is the default Fortran compiler on many Linux systems, and lack of
features and bugs in gfortran hinder adoption of more modern, safer and more
efficient language features. The project has been almost entirely
volunteer-driven so far, but is currently suffering from a lack of active
developers for larger features. Funding will enable the project to pay some
gfortran experienced developers to implement some of the missing/incomplete
features, that are too large to tackle for a single volunteer. Payed developers
are to contribute a significant part of the features.

The latter paragraph seems more an answer to the question "why is it critical for gfortran to get funding" than "why is it critical for a funding body to choose gfortran"?

One idea about the latter question:
so that there is always a free solution:
- for engineers to make best usage of the hardware available to them without hassle and spend their time at what they are best: making science - for decades-old proven science codes to be adapted to current parallel computing architectures

- Target of the projects in the sense of users (max 300 words)

This project targets the high-performance computing community, esp. but not
limited to fluid and thermo dynamics, wheater forecasting and climate models.
Most if not all of those are Fortran codes. Maintaining them using explicit
parallelism is tedious and deviates from the domain to address. Other users are
aerospace, e.g. NASA or SpaceX, as well as aircraft and automotive

- How was the project funded in the past (max 300 words)

Foundational work on the coarray implementation was funded by Sourcery
Institute. Small extensions and selected bug fixes have been donated by
companies having a minor impact only. Most of the work was done on a
voluntary basis.

There is also Siemens (Tobias, etc) working on OMP and OpenACC. Not sure whether it should me mentioned here.

- Project goal (max 900 words!):

* Fortran has a safe and intuitive method for parallel execution,
   coarrays. There is currently no complete and efficient implementation for
   multi-core CPUs on a freely available compiler. The goal is to bring
   the existing, process-based shared memory implementation on a branch
   into gfortran mainline as a feature for further evaluation and hardening.

I'm not very found of the last part of the sentence, which sounds like the project is targetting half-unfinished state. I understand Thomas not willing to engage to something without being sure it can be delivered on time. But the goal is always to be somehow successful; I mean, delivering something that doesn't happen to be useful can't be a goal.

I propose this instead:
The goal is to improve and extend on the previous work on a process-based shared memory coarray implementation, so that the feature can be made available in the next release of gfortran.

This is a goal, not a promise of succes. And remember that reallocation on assignment was made available behind a flag for quite some time before being enabled by default. We could do the same here if the feature is not ready yet, so the above is not a great commitment.

* GFortran's coarrays for distributed memory lack support for data structures
   provided by modules that have not been compiled with coarray support (or are
   distributed in binary form only). Research and prototypical implementation
   in gfortran and the OpenCoarrays library shall be conducted with the goal to
   find a general and well performing solution. This could become an outstanding
   feature for a free compiler.

* Enhance the support for teams and failed images in coarrays to a level where
   it gets usable. Teams in coarrays allow for grouping workers logically. These
   then can colaborate without interference or the user needing to take care.
   The support is rather basic and shall be made usable to a level where the
   most popular calls work. The failed images concept allows a program to react
   on one of its processes failing without terminating the program. The present
   support shall be extended to enable the restart of the process instead of
   just reporting the fail and then having to quit anyway as it is currently.

* Enhance standard compliance from Fortran 2003 onwards. Esp. fixing
   finalization of partially derived types (PDTs) and issues in the associate

* Ensure maintainability of gfortran by cleaning up/refactoring APIs including
   the scalarizer. Improve the single responsibility pattern's (SRP) use by,
   e.g., ensuring the parser does no longer parts of the resolve stage. The goal
   is not only to separate responsibilities but also to get clearer error
   messages and with that improve user-friendliness.

- How many FTEs are you requesting?

- What is the amount of funding you are requesting, approximately?

- In what timeframe will you perform the activities?

- Who (maintainer, contributor, organization) would be most qualified to
   implement this work/receive the support and why?

Any input welcome.

Andre Vehreschild * Email: vehre ad gmx dot de

Regarding the time estimates, it's a bit difficult as we can't foresee at this stage the amount of regressions that will need to be fixed, and how difficult they will be. I'm not even sure that the process of picking one regression and fixing it will eventually converge to a zero-regression state. It doesn't mean much, but I expect to spend between 3 and 6 months on every item I have proposed. But I expected those items to be discussed, prioritized, and either acknowledged or refused by the contributors before.


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