Hi Leigh

> On 22 Jul 2023, at 19:20, Leigh House via Fortran <fortran@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:
> I’ve not been able to get any output written to a file by a program I 
> compiled with gfortran v11.2.0 on my Mac. The Mac has MacOS Monterey 
> (v12.6.7). This seems like a simple problem, yet I’ve not been able to find a 
> solution. And it is an increasing obstacle for me. The problem includes 
> fortran programs that were compiled years ago. Suddenly, they can no longer 
> write output to a file. For example, writing to standard out (lun 6) works 
> fine to the screen, but when redirected to a file, that file is empty.

Is your mac Intel or Arm64**?

You do not say where you got the compiler from (or if you built from source), 
it might be relevant to a resolution.

> A colleague got a clue that the problem may be in an out-of-date, faulty or 
> corrupted .dylib file. Perhaps /usr/local/lib/libgfortran.5.dylib? The file 
> /usr/local/lib/libgfortran.dylib is a symbolic link to 
> /usr/local/lib/libgfortran.5.dylib. That file has a date of Nov 9, 2021 on my 
> Mac. Should I have a newer file? If so, how do I get it? I would have thought 
> it would be included in the gfortran install, but maybe not?

Actually, there was an operating system change in the way that initialization 
was handled that is backwards-incompatible. We raised a ‘feedback’ with Apple, 
but the response was that this was intentional - it is possible that you are 
running into this - I’d need to check the exact versions at which we fixed it.

> More generally, can I get a list of the .dylib files that gfortran (11.2.0) 
> and gcc (also 11.2.0) need for programs they compile to function properly? 
> And the dates for them? Do these files need to be owned by user “root” or 
> have other special permissions (on my Mac, I own them as a regular user).

No, nothing in GCC requires elevated permissions.

(of course, if you elect to build it from source and install to some place that 
requires admin privs., but that’s only for installation).
> This seems like a very obscure, yet debilitating problem that I have 
> encountered. If I cannot write or modify my fortran codes and have them work 
> properly, I am SOL. 

gfortran works fine on Monterey - so I am sure that we will be able to fix this.


** Arm64 does require building an out-of-tree branch, but that is being used 
widely, so also very well-tested.

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