Maaf Manneke, ini bukan dibangun di daerah ground Zero tetapi terletak 2 blocks 
dari daerah tsb.("The property is two blocks north of the site of the World 
Trade Center ......").


From: manneke budiman <>
Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 1:16:09 PM
Subject: [Forum-Pembaca-KOMPAS] Re: Landmarks Commission di US mengizinkan 
pembangunan mesjid di groud zero


Seandainya saja penguasa Indonesia bisa bersikap dewasa dan tegas seperti ini 
dalam mengayomi dan melindungi kaum minoritas beragama.
Tanpa memedulikan protes dari kaum konservatif, Landmarks Commission kota NY 
beserta walikotanya membela rencana pembangunan mesjid di bekas reruntuhan WTC 
di NY. Baca argumentasi dan rasional mereka, sungguh mengharukan.
Beda 180 derajat dengan sikap para penguasa di negeri ini, dari presidennya 
sampai bupati dan walikotanya :(
Panel's landmark denial frees NY mosque site 


34 minutes ago 

By Karen Matthews, The Associated Press



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NEW YORK, N.Y. - Ignoring jeers and cries of "Shame on you," a city commission 
on Tuesday denied landmark status to a building near the World Trade Center 
that can now be demolished to make way for an Islamic community centre and 

The Landmarks Preservation Commission said in voting 9-0 that the 152-year-old 
building isn't distinctive enough to qualify as a landmark. 

"This is not a building of special esthetic character," said Commissioner Diana 
Chapin, echoing the remarks of her colleagues.

The property is two blocks north of the site of the World Trade Center, which 
was destroyed in Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Landmarks Commissioner Stephen 
Byrns said the building's proximity to the site, and the fact that it was 
by airplane debris during the attacks, does not qualify it as a landmark.

The proposed mosque has emerged as a national political issue, with prominent 
Republicans from Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich 
lining up against it. The Anti-Defamation League, the nation's most prominent 
Jewish civil rights group, also opposes it.

Former Rep. Rick Lazio, a Republican who is running for governor of New York, 
attended the commission meeting and criticized the group that is building the 
mosque, the Cordoba Initiative. 

"This is not about religion," Lazio said. "It's about this particular mosque 
called the Cordoba Mosque, it's about it being at ground zero, it's about it 
being spearheaded by an imam who has associated himself with radical Islamic 
causes and has made comments that should chill every single American, frankly."

Lazio said the group's imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, had refused to call the 
Palestinian group Hamas a terrorist organization. Rauf also had said in a "60 
Minutes" interview televised shortly after 9/11 that "United States policies 
were an accessory to the crime that happened."

Cordoba Initiative staff members did not immediately answer an email seeking a 
response to Lazio's comments.

Daisy Khan, executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, 
was quoted in The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday as saying the centre's board 
will include members of other religions and will explore including an 
chapel at the centre.

"We want to repair the breach and be at the front and centre to start the 
healing," said Khan, a partner in the building and the wife of the imam.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, speaking on Governor's Island against 
backdrop of the Statue of Liberty, praised the commission's ruling.

"This building is private property and the owners have a right to use the 
building as a house of worship," Bloomberg said. "The government has no right 
whatsoever to deny that right, and if it were tried, the court would almost 
certainly strike it down as a violation of the U.S. constitution."

Bloomberg said the firefighters and other first responders who died in the 2001 
attacks had done so to protect the constitution. To deny religious freedom to 
Muslims would play into the terrorists' hands, he said. "In rushing into those 
burning buildings, not one asked, 'What god do you pray to? What beliefs do you 
hold?'" Bloomberg said of the first responders. "We do not honour their lives 
denying the very constitutional rights they died protecting."

The commission's decision not to designate the existing building as a landmark 
means that the developers can tear it down and start from scratch. If the 
building had been declared a landmark, they could have created a smaller mosque 
and community centre there.

SoHo Properties, a partner in the project, purchased the property for nearly $5 
million. Early plans call for a 13-story, $100 million Islamic centre, of which 
the mosque would be a part.
SoHo Properties CEO Sharif El-Gamal said he was "deeply grateful to the 
landmarks commission and to its staff." He did not respond to a question about 
the timing of demolition and construction.
Foes of the proposed mosque say it insults the memory of those who died on 
11, 2001, at the hands of Muslim extremists.
As the landmarks commission met, some in the audience waved signs. Linda 
Rivera's sign read, "Don't glorify murders of 3,000. No 9/11 victory mosque." 
She cried after the board's vote. "I lost 3,000 American brothers and sisters, 
including courageous policemen and firemen, and this is a betrayal," she said.
Others said they supported the mosque.
Zead Ramadan, president of the board of the New York chapter of the Council on 
American Islamic Relations, said Islam is "a religion of peace and justice."
"The people here are trying to connect this vile attack on our nation to the 
religion Islam, though that exact act stands against everything that Islam 
stands for," he said.
The conservative public-interest law firm the American Center for Law and 
Justice, founded in 1990 by evangelist Pat Robertson, vowed to fight Tuesday's 
decision in court.
ACLJ attorney Brett Joshpe said the group would file a petition in New York 
State Supreme Court on Wednesday alleging that the landmarks panel "acted 
arbitrarily and abused its discretion."

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