Hello all,

I’ve been testing the use of RTKLIB/RTKPOST (all patches applied) for
Static RTK, with or without GLONASS (I’m receiving signals from 6 to 8 GLO
satellites). The hardware I’m using is exactly the same, both for rover and
for reference. The baseline is 55 meters long.

I’m collecting my observations at 20 Hz  using 10-minute span RINEX files.
For carrier frequencies I’ve been using L1+L2 and “fix-and-hold”
ambiguities for GPS. After inspecting the positioning results I’ve got so
far I’ve noticed that:

1. For GLO ambiguities, the same results are obtained either selecting “ON”
or selecting “AUTO”.

2. Exactly the same results (up to the forth decimal!) are obtained
regardless using GPS+GLONASS or GPS-only data.

The behavior described in 1.  can be easily explained by recalling that the
GNSS hardware I’m using is the same, both for reference and for rover.

However the behavior described in 2. keeps puzzling me and that’s the
reason why I’m asking for your help.

One small data file is available at


containing RINEX sample data and the positioning results I’ve got when
using that RINEX data sample.  Hope someone can help me.

Best regards

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