
I'm pretty sure I gave the *.15g filename and location to RTKPOST (I've
used the GUI, not command line)... But who knows...I will try again


2015-09-30 20:53 GMT+01:00 Felipe G. Nievinski <fgnievin...@gmail.com>:

> Both .pos output files show ns=8,
> which is the number of G sat in both .15o input files,
> so it seems the remaining four R sat are not being used.
> make sure the .15g input GLO nav is being loaded.
> also try enabling more logging info to debug
> why rtkplot is not using the GLO sat obs.
> -F.
> Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:50:56 +0100
>> From: Ant?nio Pestana <afsm.pest...@gmail.com>
>> To: Open Source GPS-related discussion and support
>>         <foss-gps@lists.osgeo.org>
>> Subject: [FOSS-GPS] RTKLIB/RTKPOS RTK Static question
>> Message-ID:
>>         <CACHwcgKbzZXYiY4GN=JJgu6Hdwh1+9koFs2nFxNUcxJxy=+
>> l...@mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hello all,
>> I?ve been testing the use of RTKLIB/RTKPOST (all patches applied) for
>> Static RTK, with or without GLONASS (I?m receiving signals from 6 to 8 GLO
>> satellites). The hardware I?m using is exactly the same, both for rover
>> and
>> for reference. The baseline is 55 meters long.
>> I?m collecting my observations at 20 Hz  using 10-minute span RINEX files.
>> For carrier frequencies I?ve been using L1+L2 and ?fix-and-hold?
>> ambiguities for GPS. After inspecting the positioning results I?ve got so
>> far I?ve noticed that:
>> 1. For GLO ambiguities, the same results are obtained either selecting
>> ?ON?
>> or selecting ?AUTO?.
>> 2. Exactly the same results (up to the forth decimal!) are obtained
>> regardless using GPS+GLONASS or GPS-only data.
>> The behavior described in 1.  can be easily explained by recalling that
>> the
>> GNSS hardware I?m using is the same, both for reference and for rover.
>> However the behavior described in 2. keeps puzzling me and that?s the
>> reason why I?m asking for your help.
>> One small data file is available at
>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7204666/DataSample.zip
>> containing RINEX sample data and the positioning results I?ve got when
>> using that RINEX data sample.  Hope someone can help me.
>> Best regards
>> Ant?nio
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