I think we need to start documenting the FOSS ka kura formally so that we
can reuse the materials later. Can anyone volunteer doing that?

On 4/5/07, Amit Aryal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear FOSSians,
> Topic for FOSS Ka Kura (FKK), April 6th 2007
> Topic     : New Generation Technology
> Speaker : Mr. Bhaskar Prasad Rimal
> Date     : April 6th 2007 (Friday)
> Time     : 4 - 5 pm
> Venue   : Kathmandu Engineering College,
>    Seminar Hall (New Building 4th Floor)
>    Kalimati, Kathmandu
> (Map is here.. http://www.keckist.edu.np/index.aspx?CID=2 )
> About Topic:
> New Generation Technology (NGN) is the emerging development on the
> wireless/mobile communication (after 3G and UMT 2000).There is a road map on
> how we can re-use / replace the existing system of telecommunication. There
> are various issues on how to reform the existing protocols such as
> HTTP,TCP/IP when adopting NGN. This involves the usage of open standards and
> protocols too..
> Hope we'll have a houseful @ KEC!
> Regards
> Amit Aryal
> PS: FOSS General Meeting will follow immediately after FKK.
> >

Warm Regards,
Sagun Dhakhwa
Sambad Project,
Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya
Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur, Nepal

Mobile: 9841-310488
==INITIATING OPEN COURSE WARE ( www.sixyadaan.org ) in NEPAL==
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