On 5/22/07, Bipin Gautam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/22/07, Jitendra Harlalka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am really impressed by the idea. Hats off to u Jwalanta Dai for the
> > brilliant idea. Lets try getting the cd label printed so that it looks
> > original. hope the cds really reach out to Khasa bazaar soon and finally to
> > a common man.
> >
> > Hip Hip Hurray for FOSS
> >

guys, maybe as a start customize UBUNTU live cd if you are going to
distribute and burn it. There are already tools available that can
help you do that. (PACK a DVD version with all you can think of that
can act as a rescue CD for windows too)
maybe add native support for NTFS, install VLC player(maybe with a
window media player/winamp skin as default), clam antivirus, data
recovery tools, reg-edit tools etc.....
then make a html pop up at xwindow at every cd boot that explains what
cool tools they have in the CD, how can they setup network, browse
internet, do office etc.... Have a link of MPP, fos-nepal and this
mailing list in it with some contact info and description. Maybe, a
brief voice intro!

In the pop-up HTML at startup, let users know if someone's CD is
broken or they want a new version they can come to MPP or maybe IOE
(few more places??? from FOSS club @colleges ... where else???) and
get a fresh copy of live CD for completely free. burn few books for
them stacked up with links to start with that explains *nix history +
some technical contents.

you dont wanna promote windows == bad or linux == great.... naaa let
the users discover that from the content instead of telling to them.

Think marketing for what we believe in, think business... but with
least loss or investment....... not just from a technical standpoint.
We already have FM for free promotion.

...n i'll follow up the avtivity for the fun ;)


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