I am a paranoid person... maybe that's why I use LInux over microsoft..
thinking in terms of a cracker... I think I'd rather put some kinda
homing/listening program or some flaw in my cracked windows...  so that i
can get more viruses or get more account information for use....  at least
in linux i can check from where my packages come from.. do a MD5 check on my
iso to check.. or even sha1 check if needed...
If someone uses pirated microsoft product or anything else (non-MS)
pirated... (i mean those just cracked.. hexed... modded) and still bugs
about security... and blames MS for crappy stuff.. blame urself..  use FOSS
stuff... esp  when it comes to OS.. if you cannot even trust the source..
when it comes to pirated stuff...  don't use it..
OS is supposed to have full access to everything... so u are making urself
naked to some evil cracker...

On 7/28/07, Ankur Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nothing to say about rest of the world, but for Nepal what I think is the
> only ALIVE thing here is piracy, If you use microsoft windows OS variants in
> your computer then think again, is it really microsoft's or pirated copy, ok
> few user may have genuine microsoft, but again look at most of other
> software you have installed (photoshop, norton antivirus, microsoft office
> etc....) are they genuine, if you say they are then all I can say is "WoW!
> you have made a great contribution against FOSS, so keep off of this mailing
> list", If you think software shouldn't cost that much or shouldn't be
> proprietary then piracy is not the solution, you should choose the
> alternative, which gives you the freedom of choice (owing to fact that you
> don't virtually have to pay for software if you use FOSS till date).
> On 7/28/07, Prasanna Gautam <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > On 7/28/07, Prajwal Tuladhar < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > I don't think Mircosoft is dead. The giant is waking in the form of
> > > their new Chief Technology Architect Ray Ozzie. Even gates leave
> > > Micorosft, it will be the dominant player in the tech world. Google is
> > > going in the same direction as Microsoft once was i.e. Google becoming
> > > next "Evil".
> >
> >
> > Microsoft pretty much started evil after the infamous letter to
> > hobbiyist,,,  Microsoft  isn't going to die,, they are too big for that...
> > but if all smart people (hackers) go elsewhere, I don't think they have much
> > hope unless they attract more developers... Only thing anyone says to me to
> > motivate me that M$ is cool is " u can earn a lot of money "
> > I have to use windows (albeit sometimes .... and almost never at home on
> > my machine) not because I want to but because other people just use it... M$
> > used to dictate market... now it doesn't ,,,, M$ used to push standards...
> > now it runs away from it... M$ used to say Linux is communism and GPL is a
> > virus... now they are craving for the same market share.. heck they even own
> > SCO unix code now and are unixifying their windows operating system....
> >
> > Google has more techies in its head and people from vastly different
> > background than M$ ever had.. Google started off with best things in
> > everywhere it entered... search engine.. mail... calendar... google
> > analytics... video (not really.. but they bought the best anyways) and a lot
> > more... M$ started off with MS-DOS which was crappy software on a crappy IBM
> > hardware... compared to other things available in market... so they survived
> > by buying new technologies and using incompatibilities and anti-trust
> > practices to stay afloat... heck, they even stole windows from Mac... that's
> > cheating and not good technology AFAIK.. most people (hackers) left M$ in a
> > few years after their stock options matured to start off new companies or
> > join you-know-who google..
> >
> > M$ is the chief reason for having such a meteoric rise of Linux..
> > because of the WinTel workings.. most people probably might not have joined
> > the linux hackers gang if microsoft was all so powerful. There are powerful
> > companies, SUN, IBM, RedHat and many basement hackers working to keep a free
> > market from the monopolists like M$ or maybe google or anyone else.
> >
> >
> > PS: It's my freakin choice if I want to write M$ instead of whatever
> > everyone calls it... so don't bother to comment on it... if u don't like
> > it.. use your favorite text editor to do search and replace... (I guess
> > that'd be notepad... :P)  or use a greasemonkey script...
> >
> >
> > On Jul 27, 10:30 pm, "Prasanna Gautam" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > wrote:
> > > > hehe.. this is an article/essay by Paul Graham.. one of recents
> > > where he
> > > > discusses  the waning power of microsoft...
> > > >
> > > > http://www.paulgraham.com/microsoft.html
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

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