You are invited to attend Nepal's first OLPC Game Jam

Come develop learning activities for the One Laptop Per Child project

Date: Saturday, 15th of December
Time: 10 AM - 4 pm
Venue: Prime College, Khusibu Development Area, Nayabazar

OLE Nepal, Nepal Research and Education Network (NREN), and Prime
College will host a day long workshop to develop
learning activities for Nepal's pilot of the One Laptop Per Child

The primary instructors will be Surendra Sedhai and Luke Gorrie of OLE
Nepal. Special Instructor Bert Freudenberg of OLPC will also assist. Bert is one of the
core developers for the OLPC project. He will be coming to Nepal to
speed up the development of learning activities for Nepal's OLPC pilot

For programmers, artists, and educators of any age who are interested
developing learning activities for both OLPC and the LTSP projects.
participant will have their own computer during the workshop. We only
have spots for 30 people so please register early by sending an e-mail
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . This is event is not only for programmers
anyone interested in the development of learning activities.

This workshop will train participants how to develop learning
-- "Etoys" -- using Squeak, a SmallTalk-based open-source
media-authoring system. Squeak is an easy-to-use, cross-platform
that programmers and non-programmers can use to quickly develop
activities. At the end of the workshop, attendees should be able to
develop their own fully-functioning EToys.

If you have any suggestions or questions about the event pls see the
event for the event


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