Thus spoke Bipin Gautam on Sunday, 17 February 2008 at 20:38:16 +0545:
> On Feb 17, 2008 6:02 AM, nepbabu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thus spoke Bipin Gautam on Saturday, 16 February 2008 at  9:45:14 +0545:


> alright,
> secure communication as in.... ?
> - voice communication (telecom: say mobile)
> - email communication
> - Chat ? ( a vague topic)
> - ...........or fill in as you prefer

The 2,3 are application layer except for the 1st one. Would you like to tell us 
about anonymous secure communication used on the whole application layer [ that 
includes email, chat, www etc..]. Thanks!

> as all of the above topics are epic please choose only one topic as
> you prefer and i will reply it in my free time sometimes soon if have
> the knowhow alright?

Sure as I said above, the application layer.

> > And how can one know that the person using those secure communication 
> > "anonymously" is not a criminal?
> >
> you got me on this one :P
> actually  what i mean was maybe talks on those topics maybe in next
> topic but its not to promote something illegal.

Ahh.. cool. I understand what you mean. :)

Bikal KC (Please use: nepbababucxspamfree_at_yahoo DOT ca)
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