Ramon Ribó wrote:
>> Oh. I didn't know about these (while writing cvs2fossil). Which is why I put
>> this information into the new commit message. Since when do they exist ?
>   Andreas, I see that you are the developer of cvs2fossil. I have tried it 
> and I
> have had some problems with it (the details are in another message).

Is it possible to send me this message ? It seems that I missed it. As such I 
do not know (yet) what you are talking about.

 > Might we
> have some expectations that it will work in the future

Not really possible to answer this with specificity without knowing what the 
actual problems are. Only in general, the easier to understand the problem and 
making a fix, the better the chances of me doing it.

General side note: The cvs2svn application (written in python) is the spiritual 
ancestor of cvs2fossil (*). As such it would be an interesting comparison to 
see if whatever CVS repository is giving you trouble with cvs2fossil is giving 
cvs2svn (similar) trouble as well.

(*)     I used the general architectural concepts (phases and object classes),
        and basic information they had unearthed about revision(number)s,
        things to do, etc., while writing my stuff from scratch using a nicer
        persistent data store (sqlite instead of their flat text files, pickled
        python objects, and the like).

 > or is it better
> that we develop
> our own solutions for converting from cvs to fossil?

What about the third option ? I.e. editing cvs2fossil instead of developing 
from scratch ?

     Andreas Kupries <andr...@activestate.com>
     Developer @    <http://www.activestate.com/>
fossil-users mailing list

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