
I have tried several projects and all of them fail, with different
errors. Have you managed to import any cvs repository with current
fossil sources?

PS: Unfortunately, the cvs repository cannot be disclosed.

Compass Ing. y Sistemas         Dr. Ramon Ribo
c/ Tuset, 8 7-2                          tel. +34 93 218 19 89
08006 Barcelona, Spain            fax. +34 93 396 97 46

2009/10/7 Andreas Kupries <>:
> Ramon Ribó wrote:
>>   Andreas,
>>   The problems were:
> Thanks.
>> 1- I have been trying to use the tool cvs2fossil with a simple, few
>> files, no branches, small cvs project. For testing. Results:
>>    a) changed tag branch  ---> branch new in file c2f_fossil.tcl (this
>> error has been discussed in the list but is not corrected in the
>>        trunk
> This looks to be a trivial change. Assuming that the syntax is similar.
> discussed on the list ... Ok, will dive into my mail archives to see if I can
> find this again ...
>>    b) If gpg signature is not defined for current user, it just fails,
>> does not give opportunity to say that signature is not desired
> What is the command line you invoked cvs2fossil with ?
> In which phase of cvs2fossil does it fail ?
> What is the error message ?
>>    c) If project is inside a subdirectory inside cvsroot, it fails
>> when trying to create the repository file (can be fixed creating
>>        manually the directory)
> When you say cvsroot, are you talking about the top directory of your test
> repository, or the administrative directory named 'CVSROOT' inside of it ?
> What is the command line you invoked cvs2fossil with ?
> In which phase of cvs2fossil does it fail ?
> What is the error message you see ?
>>    d) Once the repository is created, it works well from the browser
>> ui. Howerver, when doing a "fossil open ...", it fails and
>>        answers: "fossil: object [1503758b20] is not a check-in". And
>> no file is created. What happens?
> That seems to be the biggest problem, and seems to indicate that a bad
> repository was generated. I have not seen such a message before and do not 
> know
> what it signifies. This one will require serious source diving in fossil 
> itself
> to understand what it is complaining about before I can even try to understand
> what cvs2fossil is doing wrong.
>> a) b) and c) should be easy to fix.
> Tentatively agreed, and assuming I get more information about the problem, per
> my questions above.
> Best might be to give me both the command line you use, and the CVS repository
> you are working with. I do not know however if the latter is something you can
> (are allowed to) hand out outside of your company or organization.
>  > Point d) I have no idea what
>> happens.
> Me neither, at this point.
> --
> Sincerely,
>     Andreas Kupries <>
>     Developer @    <>
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