On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 12:07:06 -0500
>>>>>> "Joshua" == <jos...@letterblock.com> wrote:

Hello list,

I know I may be beating the dead horse, but...

Joshua> I recognize that the improvement I and others are asking for
Joshua> may be non-trivial to implement, so while I think markdown (the
Joshua> particular format, not the general class of) is an obvious
Joshua> choice because it allows those who prefer plain HTML to just
Joshua> keep writing HTML without change, if something else is easier
Joshua> to integrate or otherwise preferable I'll happily embrace it.

Here is avid darcs user familiar enough with several DVCS (bzr, hg,
git), but except fossil there is none appealing enough to replace

Having some 'standard' wiki markup is one of the things I researched
as soon as I visited fossil site today (after having short enocunter
in Sept '09).

For a long time I was thinking to use reST/Sphinx for my projects'
docs, but gaving up on some Python technology (Django) and decided to
use Haskell, I've returned back to Markdown considering there is
excellent implementation in Pandoc (http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/)
which supports some nice extensions as well.

The usage of Markdown/Pandoc for end-user docs is quite appropriate
considering that one can convert Markdown markup into
HTML/LaTeX/ConTeXt etc. which would make Markdown excellent choice for
wiki format in Fossil.

I saw (at the end of the thread), there fossil-creole markup, but just
wonder if there is still some live in the dead-horse of



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