Slight correction: HFS+ if you created the filesystem w/o the
case-sensitivity option. the fact that case-insensitivity is the default
puzzles me, being a Unix purist and all. :-)

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 1:54 AM, chi <> wrote:

> Russ Paielli wrote:
> > Sorry if I am being dense, folks, but I keep getting this question when
> > I open fossil:
> >
> > overwrite <file> (a=always/y/N)?
> >
> > It goes through all of my files with the same question. I have no idea
> > what this means, why it is being asked, or what the correct reply is.
> > Overwrite it with what? Will someone please give me a clue? Thanks.
> I get this question, if I e.g. close a working copy and then re-open it
> again. Because 'fossil close' do not delete the files from the working
> copy, the 'fossil open' afterwards will recognize that -- during
> checkout -- the actual file being checked out does already exists (not
> deleted by 'fossil close'). So it will ask you if it is safe to
> overwrite it with the one currently checked out.
> Another situation where this could be happen is, if you have file names
> differ only by upcase/lowcase spelling and are checking out on a
> filesystem that regard e.g. 'FOO.c' and 'foo.c' as the same filename
> (e.g. NTFS or HFS+).
> Does one of this explanation is matching your environment?
> Best regards,
> chi.
> (...)
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