On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Joshua Paine <jos...@letterblock.com>wrote:

> On 12/22/2010 01:33 PM, Russ Paielli wrote:
> > Does that mean I should not close fossil even when I logout or
> > restart my computer?
> Correct. Fossil does not stay running when you `fossil open`. Open means
> 'create a working copy', not 'start a background process'.

Sorry if I am beating a dead horse here, but after thinking about this a
bit, I'd like to make a modest suggestion. If I close and re-open fossil, it
seems to me that it should do a diff and only query about overwrites on the
files that have changed. As far as I can tell, diff is fairly fast, and why
should I be asked about overwriting a file if the "overwrite" will be
identical anyway?

Then again, why query about overwriting *any* file? How often do you want to
overwrite a file that you have modified? If that's really what you want,
there are better ways to do it, right? I say don't even ask about
overwriting. Just leave alone all the working files, and create a working
copy of any files that don't have one already. That would allow you to open
and close fossil without the confusion I experienced.

Russ P.

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