On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Ingo Koch <fos...@ikoch.de> wrote:
>>   I'm working on a C# wrapper library around fossil
>> and I encountered some commands which require user input.
> Tell me about these commands when you encounter them and I'll add
> command-line options to work around the user input.

My (very) favored option would be an option generate results as JSON, with a
well-specified grammar depending on the operation. JSON can easily be parsed
by most languages and would allow us to AJAXify parts of the Fossil UI by
calling the appropriate JSON-generating function to fetch, e.g., the
timeline data. This would also allow us to create, e.g., PHP-based
front-ends for fossil (at least for the read-only operations), fetching the
data via AJAX calls to a fossil CGI script.

As far as parsing/portability goes, shell scripts of course can't easily
parse JSON, but perl, python, java, C++, etc., all have good JSON libraries
available. (The C JSON libs i've evaluated haven't excited me all that much,
with the exception of one push-style parser which i really like.)

----- stephan beal
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