On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 1:07 PM, David Bovill <da...@architex.tv> wrote:

> Just a note to say if you are put off by the complex markup in the raw
> returned JSON from WikiPedia articles - note that you can also get the api
> to parse out the template tags.

> One way to provide this two step process within FOSSIL would be to create a
> simple YAHOO pipe, which takes search values, parses out and template tags
> and optionally wiki tags replaceing them with html, and returning the format
> in JSON. Similar pipes can be made for other data sources.

Indeed. i'm not looking to do anything nearly as complex as bi-directional
data feeds between arbitrary endpoints and remote schema. i'd just like to
be able to fish out timeline data as json.

The lib seems to be working as designed. It's using far too much memory when
inputing because i'm using a slightly-high-level 3rd-party JSON push parser
based on Crockford's parser, and that parser also allocates its own copy of
the DOM (which i end up duplicating). At some point i want to base it off of
Crockford's low-level push parser, and manage the DOM memory myself. That
said, i've been coding non-stop on it the past 16 hours, and i'm going to go
hibernate for a while. And the dog needs a walk.

The code is here:


The anonymous user should be able to clone or download the zip. It compiles
cleanly in C89 mode with -pedantic -Wall -Werror, and valgrind says its free
of leaks, overruns, and such (but only after some amount of debuggering, i
must admit). And a buddy of mine has got it compiling on Windows, so it
seems to be reasonably portable. (sloccount says it took me 4.someodd months
to write, but don't be fooled - i started on it Wednesday or Thursday

Anyway... sometime in the next week i'll take a stab at generating a demo,
starting with the timeline or the wiki. If that proves to be useful we can
look at more advanced things.

----- stephan beal
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