On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Ron Wilson <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So, you are saying it is possible for multiple, independant Fossil
> clients to share a single repository?

Yes.  I do that a lot, actually, though I typically have all the independent
Fossils running on the same machine so that they can use the local

> I had assumed that Fossil had some internal signaling mechanism to
> allow command line invocations while "fossil ui" (or fossil server")
> was running - not unlike how you can enter "firefox example.com" and
> the page will be opened in the existing browser instance, rather than
> launching another browser instance.
> One of the reasons we are looking at Fossil for issue tracking (and
> are using Git for source VCS) is that no central server is required.
> (Of course, one of the problems with running purely peer-to-peer is
> the need tp pull/push between multiple PCs. That is not much of
> problem with VCS within the software group, But with issue tracking -
> especially when deployed beyond the software group - these pull/push
> operations need to be fully automated.
> If Fossil can operate with a shared repository, this might be a better
> solution than trying to automate multi-way pull/push operations.
> (If anyone is curious, within the software group, we are free to
> manage our tools as we need - as long as our tools use only our PCs
> and only use IT servers for file service. To run a server on an IT
> server PC requires approval from both the CIO and CFO.)

So why not designate one developer as the "keeper of the master copy" and
have her type "fossil server" in a DOS box?  And keep that DOS box open?
Having multiple clients use a single repository over a network filesystem
will work, but you are likely to be more pleased with the performance by
actually using a server.  And, with the server approach and pushing and
pulling, you get automatic backups.

> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> > Posix advisory locking tends to give problems on many NFS
> implementations.
> > You can cause Fossil to use dot-file locking instead by setting an
> > environment variable:
> >
> >    export FOSSIL_VFS=unix-dotfile
> >
> > That might fix your problem.  Caution, though:  If you have two different
> > copies of Fossil running and one is using dotfile locking and the other
> > posix advisory locking, then they might step on one another and corrupt
> the
> > database!  So if you use FOSSIL_VFS, make sure you use it consistently!
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