On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 07:05:05AM -0500, Joshua Paine spake:
> On Jan 31, 2011, at 9:27 PM, "G. Clifford Williams" <g...@notadiscussion.com> 
> wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 10:36:08AM -0500, Joshua Paine spake:
> >> Just read your message again--I think you indicated that you're sharing a 
> >> single working copy over the network. That's kind of crazy, and not at all 
> >> recommended.
> > 
> > 
> > That's a bit pejorative and hyperbolic, don't you think?
> Well, yeah--but I was trying to say it was a bad idea, not present a NPOV :-)

oh ok. :-)

> I thought you were using a network share of a single working copy so 
> different users could collaborate on the code instead of each of them 
> checking out his or her own copy--I'd still call that crazy (in the sense of 
> being quite outside the intended use and apparently negating many of the 
> benefits of a SCM system) and not recommended. But a single user accessing 
> the same revision-controlled files from multiple machines just seems like 
> something I wouldn't personally do, not something crazy--not that you need my 
> mental health evaluation for anything.
> If permissions still check out on the relevant files and directories after 
> they're copied or mounted on another system, I wonder if it's a matter of 
> paths? If the repo file isn't mounted in the exact same path on each machine, 
> I wouldn't expect the working copy to continue working when you switch 
> between.

1) I agree but some users have work flows that they've developed (under 
subversion and git) and I can make them change. We did some testing and it 
appears that the issue was related to the actual paths of some softlinks from 
which the initial 'fossil open' had been done. If the path was mounted at 
/mnt/foo/bar/ and they had a link on one box at ~/code/bar/ and on another box 
at ~/programs/bar/ we got the unreadable error. In other cases we did not.

2) Every little bit helps (re: 'mental health evaluation')
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