Stephen, you hit on the point that was a revelation to me (back in the
The Fossil web site isn't a web site; it's the WIKI.

The discussions of page design aside, perhaps that fact should be
mentioned in the first bullet.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Stephen
De Gabrielle
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [fossil-users] IMHO Fossil needs renaming...

As, I hope, all list subscribers know, fossil is easily reskinnable.
Being self-hosting, the fossil site is too.

Can I suggest a competition with a few simple criteria & small reward
- site should continue to be accessible for the sight impaired
- CSS & HTML only. (extensive js can require more long term
maintenance than is desirable)
- should be accessable on a wide variety of devices (android/iPhone
type smartphone browsers, tablets & netbooks 7?-10 inch both
orientations, right up to my nice 24 inch screen)
- should cope with users changing the browser font size, and setting
low screen resolutions on small desktops/laptops
- the logo should still be a fossil of some sort. Petrified wood and
microscopic fossils allowed
- changing the name is not an option.

Winner gets the respect and admiration of their peers, runners up get
included as selectable skins.

What do you think?


On Thursday, March 3, 2011, Kristoffer Lawson <> wrote:
> On 3 Mar 2011, at 13:41, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:26 AM, Trou Macacq <> wrote:
>> Design matters.
>> Design != eye-candy
> Actually there is research to the opposite :-)
> When tested people quite literally find better looking services to be
easier (not to mention more tempting, which should be obvious). The
exact same functionality, or even worse functionality, when it looks
good, is rated as being easier.
> I agree with the posters here that the main Fossil website could do
with a bit of a touch up. If we were using Fossil I could possibly
justify spending a few hours doing a bit of design on it myself. As it
stands I wouldn't want to promise anything, although I'd be tempted to
play around with it.
> For the record I don't think we need some full-blown Web 2.0 Ajax
monster, with half of the functionality not working or taking forever to
load. The Fossil website is simple, and is great for that reason. So I'd
be looking more at a tummy tuck than anything too extensive.
> --
> Kristoffer Lawson, Co-Founder, Scred //
> - 10000km & The world's most arctic
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Stephen De Gabrielle
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