Le 2011-03-09 à 15:52, "Eric" <e...@deptj.eu> a écrit :

> On Wed, March 9, 2011 11:46 am, Martin Gagnon wrote:
> <snip>
>> I'm not sure to understand how those fork work. If my push produce a
> fork, all my following push will continue from the same fork point
> right?
> Yes, unless you do something explicit to change it.
>> It will not merge back by itself if I don't merge explicitly?
> No it will not.
>> If
>> someone else merge my change, my local repository will be out of sync
> anyway, so what will happens if I push in that case?
> Your checkin will have the same parent in the "central" repository as it
> has in yours. There is no magic going on here, only artifacts are pushed
> and pulled. If an artifact is a manifest it defines a checkin, including
> the identity of its parent.
> Actually I think many people are trying to make this too complicated
> (some, but not all, through lack of knowledge of how Fossil actually
> works). My own workflow is simple and perfect :-)
> 1. No auto-sync.
> 2. Pull at the start of a task and as appropriate (usually meaning at the
> start of a day or at a significant break point in my own work).
> 3. Push when I have something worth showing to others. Always pull first
> and maybe do a last merge.
> 4. If I have co-workers, push to and pull from their private repository
> (or a team repository) when they suggest I should or I can see some reason
> to.
> Of course some days it turn out to be less simple, mainly due to having to
> decide whether to stay on a fork or not. Actually if a fork should have a
> long life, it is a branch, and should be marked as such.
> I am not discussing (today) how branches should be used, it is a subject
> in its own right, there is even a pattern book!
> (http://www.amazon.com/Software-Configuration-Management-Patterns-Integration/dp/0201741172/).
> Finally, I don't think there is any way to safely have automatic merging
> of forks. Where do you merge to? The immediate sibling, or the latest on
> the parent branch? What if there are other siblings, or other forks (or
> branches)? Or should the others merge to your checkin? A human decision is
> required. If someone fancies desing some AI rules for this, good luck!
> And, as Richard said, what is a fork?

Agreed. So knowing that, a fork cannot  be merged unless we explicitly do it, 
so no warning is needed during push in such case. 

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