For a very nice (IMHO) model on how to handle forks take a look at
monotone. Forking is natural, you just want to take precautions to
keep your data safe. A fork is just a branch you haven't given a name
to and didn't necessarily intentionally create. In the case of
monotone it just lets you know you have a fork and you can just merge
or keep on working, your choice.

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 11:29 AM, Eric Junkermann <> wrote:
> On Thu, March 10, 2011 12:38 am, Ron Wilson wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Eric <> wrote:
>>> Finally, I don't think there is any way to safely have automatic merging
>>> of forks.
>> This I agree with and never intended to suggest that forks should ever
>> be automatically merged.
>>> And, as Richard said, what is a fork?
>> Something I want to avoid like the plague. Your workflow seems,
>> strictly followed, should (somewhat) minimize the risk of an
>> accidental fork, however, you imply that you do intentionally start
>> forks.
> No, it's just that working that way means I will inevitably find myself on
> a fork from time to time.
>> I suppose if you make sure to either close the fork by merging,
>> or tag it as a branch, before pushing your changes, then that should
>> be ok.
> Which is exactly what I think should be done.
>> It seems to me that forks are something that are all too easy
>> to "loose".
> The "leaves" page in the web UI (no longer on the menu) is actually very
> useful for finding them, especially if you close them after dealing with
> them appropriately.
>> I do not see any advantages to creating a fork rather than a branch.
>> If anything, all this discussion just reinforces the advice (from some
>> people) that creating a branch for each and every task/change package
>> is the right thing to do - especially when using a DVCS.
> Task Branch, Feature Branch, Release Branch, Private Branch - which all
> look much the same, except which other branches they merge to and from,
> and when; also whether they get closed or not. You don't need to have a
> "branch policy", but it's useful to know what your branch is for and how
> you plan to use it. If you create a fork on purpose it's meant to be a
> branch - put some hint of the purpose in the name of the branch.
>> I do realise that accidental forks are inevitable, so anything that
>> the tool does to help find forks will help the overall development
>> process.
> Just for forks, I think it's enough to look at the timeline frequently (in
> Checkins Only mode), but some path stuff seems to be going into Fossil, so
> we shall see.
> Eric
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