On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 5:46 PM, <tr...@tekwissusa.com> wrote:

>   Hi,
> I have a general question about fossil and maybe even scm.
> I’d like to setup fossil for a very small in-house team (1 to 3 people).
> There’s no need ever for having outside access, everything is private,
> firewalled and trusted. So I was wondering if I can create a repository on a
> file server, e.g //server/test.fossil
> user1 is then doing: fossil open //server/test.fossil
> same for user2: fossil open //server/test.fossil
> Nobody ever does ‘clone’ and there’s no repository server involved, not
> ports and URL and what not.
> I tried it with a few files and it seems to work fine, but I’m not sure if
> I’m missing something.

This will work fine with Fossil, since Fossil allows multiple checkouts from
the same repository.   With other DVCSes, your mileage may vary.

> I guess what I’m giving up is for every user to having his own private
> local repository, but does that matter ?

It might matter to you if the central repository file gets accidently erased
or destroyed due to (for example) a disk crash.  With each person having
their own repository, if one repository gets trashed by a system
malfunction, you can easily replace it with any of the others.

On the SQLite project (and on Fossil itself) we keep three separate
automatically synchronizing Fossil repositories, each on geographically
distributed data centers managed by different hosting companies.  This gives
us a high level of confident that the code will survive a catastrophe.  If
all your data is on the disk drive of the file server down the hall, you
don't have that same level of survivability.  I do not know if that is
important to you or not....

> I’d like to hear from experienced scm people, a little bit philosophy
> maybe, a little bit of advice.
> Thank you very much.
> ds
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