I was trying to add to the discussion about submodules in the archives, but not 
being a power mailing list user I don’t know how. So I apologize for starting  
this new thread.


is a wholly independent fossil repository

In “/myprj/ip” I ‘d like to execute something like
fossil extract VERSION|—latest ip.fossil
which would not open the repo, but just extract the files. Doing it that way 
will of course never allow to make changes to /myprj/ip and propagate them back 
into ip.fossil, since all connection to the repo has been lost. Update of the 
ip is only by manually executing again fossil extract ..., which is a critical 
requirement for me.

So the question is, does such an ‘extract’ function exist, I wasn’t able to 
find anything, but maybe I’m just blind.
I guess it would be the same as ‘fossil open’ followed by ‘fossil close’ 
without the complaint that it’s already within an open tree ‘myprj’.

Best Regards,
fossil-users mailing list

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