On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 5:46 PM,  <tr...@tekwissusa.com> wrote:
> I’d like to setup fossil for a very small in-house team (1 to 3 people).
> There’s no need ever for having outside access, everything is private,
> firewalled and trusted. So I was wondering if I can create a repository on a
> file server, e.g //server/test.fossil
> I guess what I’m giving up is for every user to having his own private local
> repository, but does that matter ?

With a very small team, pushing/pulling between team members is very
easy. You could setup scripts to handle this for you.

Another approach: What I did for my workgroup was to setup an always
running Fossil instance serving a shared repository. Then each user
intereacts with a seperate instance of Fossil that uses a local
repository. Each user works out their own repository, pushing and
pulling to/from the shared repository via the background Fossil

This works quite well. (Though I note that what I really want is for
Fossil to support full peer-to-multiple-peers operation. I have looked
at the Fossil source and have an idea how I could enhance Fossil to
support this. Hopefully, I will soon have time to work on it)
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